CES Letter Mormon: Book of Mormon Evidence: Laban’s Steel Sword
June 18, 2024That is what the evidence suggests. You decide. Very cool. With regard to the CES Letter Mormon, it's worth noting…CES Letter Mormon: Was the Book of Mormon Copied from the Bible? Part 2
June 17, 2024Lucky guess by Joseph Smith, fraud, or divine appointment of the Prophet to open this dispensation? There are so many…CES Letter Mormon: Was the Book of Mormon Copied from the Bible? (Part 1)
June 17, 2024This is applicable even to the CES Letter. What does happen is that there are some new events or something…CES Letter Mormon: Beware of False Prophets
June 17, 2024There are a lot of examples of this in our world today. It’s these people who claim to know more…CES Letter Mormon: False Prophets in the Last Days
June 17, 2024There's an implication here that there will be many who are going to try to tell you things that they're…CES Letter Mormon: What is the CES Letter?
June 17, 2024We’ve gotten a few messages recently asking us if we know about this document that’s been floating around called the…Mormon CES Letter Summary
May 21, 2024The Mormon CES Letter, written by Jeremy Runnells, is a document that gained significant attention both within and outside the…