Mormonism Explained

What Is Mormonism Explained?

Mormonism Explained is a resource that was designed to provide objective and factual information about Mormonism, its history, doctrines, and policies. Our team of researchers consults experts and primary sources to present factual information on a variety of topics relevant to the Mormon Church. The topics currently covered by the research team at Mormonism Explained are: Are Mormons Christians, CES Letter Mormon, Joseph Smith Seer Stones, Mormon Church Finances, Blacks in Mormonism, Joseph Smith Polygamy, Joseph Smith Wives, and Mormon Garments.

Mormonism Explained strives to share a variety of viewpoints, including those critical of Mormonism while answering the question what do Mormons believe. For those unfamiliar with the Mormon Church, Mormonism Explained will provide basic information about the most timely topics about the Church. For those who are familiar with the Mormon Church, Mormonism Explained will offer foundational knowledge as well as many more reputable sources to conduct further research. Whether you’re unfamiliar with the Mormon Church or seeking to delve deeper into specific aspects of the church, Mormonism Explained will be a valuable resource for you.


Mormonism Explained:
Joseph Smith Polygamy
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Why Did Mormons Practice Polygamy?
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Mormon Polygamy, Explained
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Did Joseph Smith Lie About Practicing Polygamy?
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The True Story of Joseph Smith and Fanny Alger
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Joseph Smith Wives
Why did Mormons practice Polygamy
Objective and factual information about Joseph Smith, Fanny Alger and Polygamy. 

Mormon Polygamy, Explained
This video explains Mormon Polygamy throughout history and how Joseph Smith's Polygamy started. This video also details the circumstances around Joseph Smith's Wives.

Did Joseph Smith Lie About Practicing Polygamy?
Explore key questions about Joseph Smith and polygamy, including whether he lied about practicing it, who his first plural wife in Nauvoo was, and how his plural wives felt about their marriage to him.
The True Story of Joseph Smith and Fanny Alger
Explore Joseph Smith’s first polygamist wife, Emma’s knowledge of his marriage to Fanny Alger, and whether their relationship was adulterous.
Joseph Smith Wives
Learn about Joseph Smith’s plural wives, the consummation of his marriages, the difference between eternity-only sealings and plural marriages, and his involvement in polyandry.
View More Videos on Mormon Polygamy
Mormonism Explained:
Blacks in Mormonism
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Blacks and the Priesthood Ban, Explained!
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The Truth About Blacks in Mormonism
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Why Did Lifting the Mormon Priesthood Ban Take So Long?
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The History of the Mormon Church and Black People
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Was Brigham Young Racist?
Blacks and the Priesthood Ban, Explained!
This video discusses the lifting of the priesthood ban, church policy changes, and Russell M. Nelson’s Morehouse College award.
The Truth About Blacks in Mormonism
This video examines the implications of the priesthood ban and whether Mormons believe Blacks are inferior.
Why Did Lifting the Mormon Priesthood Ban Take So Long?
This video offers an explanation for the question: why did it take so long to correct the priesthood ban? The video explores the Mormon belief in prophets and revelation and their relationship to church policies.
The History of the Mormon Church and Black People
This video chronicles the history of Black people in the Mormon Church. It describes how Black people have been significant members of the church from its inception, how they were marginalized by the leadership of the church for a period, and how the leadership of the church returned to its roots of welcoming all of God’s children to enjoy the blessings that Mormons believe covenants offer.
Was Brigham Young Racist?
Brigham Young and Orson Spencer argued that Utah should allow slavery before the Utah Territorial Legislature. During this period, the morality and legality of slavery were being debated across the nation. In 1852, Utah had been a territory of the United States for just two years. It had only been admitted as a territory because in 1849, California applied for admittance into the U.S. as a free state, or a state that didn’t allow slavery.
View More Videos on Blacks in Mormonism
Mormonism Explained:
Are Mormons Christians?
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Are Mormons Christian?
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Do Mormons Believe in Jesus?
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Do Mormons Believe in the Trinity?
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Is Mormonism a Cult?
Are Mormons Christian?
This video discusses where the term "Christian" derived from, the original Christian movement, ecumenical councils, and the LDS church.
Do Mormons Believe in Jesus?
This video covers whether Mormons are Christians, their belief in Jesus, and His divinity.
Do Mormons Believe in the Trinity?
This video explores whether Mormons are Christian, their view on the Trinity, and their beliefs about deification.
Is Mormonism a Cult?
This video discusses some history of Mormonism, why it started being called a cult and what that means today.
View More Videos on Are Mormons Christian?
Mormonism Explained:
What are Seer Stones?
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How Did Joseph Smith Translate the Gold Plates?
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What are the Urim and Thummim?
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How Did Joseph Smith Use Seer Stones?
How Did Joseph Smith Translate the Gold Plates?
This video covers witness accounts of Joseph Smith's use of the Urim and Thummim and seer stones in translation.
What are the Urim and Thummim?
This video explores the Urim and Thummim, its biblical origins, and how Joseph Smith used it.
How Did Joseph Smith Use Seer Stones?
This video explains what a seer stone is, its connection to treasure seeking, and Joseph Smith's seer stone.
View More Videos on Seer Stones
Mormonism Explained:
Mormon Garments
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Mormon Temple Garments, Explained

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Why Do Mormons Wear Special Underwear?
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Are Mormon Garments Magic Underwear?
Mormon Temple Garments, Explained
This video provides objective and factual information about Mormon garments and their significance in Mormon religious practices.
Why Do Mormons Wear Special Underwear?
It delves into Mormon garments, their ties to Jewish tradition, and their biblical origins.
Are Mormon Garments Magic Underwear?
This video answers why Mormons wear garments, when they were introduced, and what they really mean to Mormons. It also addresses the "magic underwear" misconception.
View More Videos on Garments