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What is Mormon Church tithing used for?

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Todd Noall

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Todd Noall

Source Expert

Todd Noall is an author and religious scholar at Mormonism Explained with a focus on the history and theology of religion.

Fact Checked by Kevin Prince

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Kevin Prince

Source Expert

Kevin Prince serves as the Source Authority at Mormonism Explained. Mr. Prince is a religious scholar as well as a technology industry CEO and entrepreneur.

Last updated:

  • Mormons pay tithing, which is ten percent of their income to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mormons believe that paying tithing is a choice. Mormon Church tithing is used in several ways including:
    • missionary efforts
    • to build and maintain church meeting houses
    • caring for the poor and needy
    • to build and maintain Mormon temples
    • to support education: high school seminaries, universities, colleges, online programs
    • general administration of the church
    • investments

Another way that Mormons donate money to the church is through something called a fast offering. Once a month, Mormons fast (don’t eat or drink) for two meals. Then, they donate the money they would have spent on those meals to their congregation. The leaders of the congregation use the funds to help those in need. 

Mormons can also make other donations to the church. They can specify how they would like the funds to be used. For example, the fund can be donated to the church’s general missionary fund, a missionary from their congregation, or humanitarian aid. These funds are only ever used for the purpose specified by the donator, not any other Mormon Church finances.