Tag: Joseph Smith Wives

Did Joseph Smith Have Children With His Plural Wives?

People have always been curious about Joseph Smith’s wives. One of the ongoing questions has been, did Smith have any children with his plural wives? Historical evidence shows that when Smith began to practice polygamy in Nauvoo...
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Who was Joseph Smith’s first polygamous wife?

Although the specific date is unknown, historians believe that Joseph Smith married his first plural wife, Fanny Alger, in Kirtland, Ohio. The marriage likely happened in the mid-1830s. It is unclear whether Joseph’s first wife...
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Why did Joseph Smith marry women who were already pregnant?

Joseph Smith likely received his revelation about plural marriage around 1831 while he was translating the Bible. The first plural marriage that historians have any fragmentary evidence of is Smith’s marriage...
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Did some of Joseph Smith’s wives practice Polyandry?

Many of Joseph Smith’s wives including Mary Rollins Lightner and Sylvia Session Lyon had living husbands at the time of their marriages to Smith. Some of their husbands were members of the Church, but others were not. Many of these women continued to live...
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