Editorial Process
At Mormonism Explained, we aim to offer unbiased and factual information about the history and beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Amidst a sea of historical narratives and misinformation, our goal is to provide factual clarity and objectivity to those genuinely seeking truth.
Our approach involves thorough research and consultation with diverse sources to ensure impartial and unbiased explanations of topics concerning The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We gather insights from a range of respected experts in the field, including religious scholars and researchers who are non-members, active members, and former members of the church.
Editors assign relevant topics to our team of scholars and freelance contributors with expertise in LDS history and theology. Each article undergoes a rigorous round of editing for accuracy, clarity, and adherence to Mormonism Explained’s style guidelines before publication. This meticulous process ensures that our content remains reliable and objective, serving as a trustworthy resource for our readers.