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Do Mormons believe in the Trinity?

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Todd Noall

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Todd Noall

Source Expert

Todd Noall is an author and religious scholar at Mormonism Explained with a focus on the history and theology of religion.

Fact Checked by Kevin Prince

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Kevin Prince

Source Expert

Kevin Prince serves as the Source Authority at Mormonism Explained. Mr. Prince is a religious scholar as well as a technology industry CEO and entrepreneur.

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Mormons believe in God the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, as well as the Holy Spirit. So, to answer the question, “Do Mormons believe in the Trinity?” the answer is yes. They believe that all members of the Godhead are divine and are united in purpose. They also believe they are separate beings. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and bones, but the Holy Ghost has a spirit body. So, how are Mormons different than Christians, or other Christians? The Mormon definition of God is different from the Trinitarian definition of God.  Mormons do not subscribe to the theology of the Trinity, as defined by early Christian councils. The definition of God as written in the Nicene Creed says that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three coequal persons in the same substance or essence. For some Christians, because Mormons do not believe in the Trinity as it is defined by the ecumenical councils, Mormons should not be considered Christian.