Religious Clothing: What do temple garments and other religious vestments have in common?
July 31, 2024The more commonly known Muslin clothing is worn by women. Most of the special garments that women wear are a…Similarities and Differences between Mormons and Catholics
July 31, 2024So, are Mormons Christians since they believe in Jesus Christ, even though they have different beliefs than Roman Catholics about…Skin Color in the Book of Mormon
July 31, 2024The Book of Mormon is unique to the LDS Church because it was translated by the founder of The Church…Temple Lot Case
July 31, 2024After Joseph Smith’s death, many members of the church broke away from the main body of the church and created…Was Emma Smith Excommunicated?
July 31, 2024Modern LDS historians and scholars have provided substantial evidence of Joseph Smith's polygamy through research, including diaries, letters, and testimonies…What is Ensign Peak Advisors?
July 31, 2024Ensign Peak Advisors is an investment and asset management firm associated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…What is The Edmunds-Tucker Act?
July 31, 2024In fact, Joseph Smith’s youngest wife, Helen Mar Kimball, was told about the practice by her father, Heber C. Kimball.…When was the CES letter written?
July 31, 2024On February 11, 2015, Runnells wrote on the ex-Mormon Reddit that he thought the subtitle of the CES Letter, “Why…Where did Joseph Smith Find His Seer Stones?
July 31, 2024These stones have appeared in various cultural and religious contexts, including ancient civilizations, folk traditions, and notably in the early…Why Did Emma Smith Leave the Church?
July 31, 2024The RLDS Church rejected Joseph Smith’s polygamy practice, which Emma denied her husband practiced for the rest of her life.…