Joseph Smith Wives: Did Joseph Smith Marry a 14-year-old?
June 5, 2024But while I still have lots of questions about plural marriage, there are also lots of rumors and misconceptions about…The Unfolding Restoration Lesson 22: Plural Marriage
June 5, 2024I am so excited to get to share this video series with you again as we look at how the…Joseph Smith Wives: The Law of Marriage
June 5, 2024Verse 15, again, verily I say unto you that whoso forbiddeth to marry is not ordained of God, for marriage…Black in Mormonism: 1852 and The Beginnings of the Priesthood-Temple Ban in the Church (Part 4)
June 5, 2024In the details of the historical record, we can find no evidence that God inspired the priesthood ban on Blacks…Mormon Polygamy: A Battle of Reluctance
June 5, 2024Most who explore the concept of Joseph Smith’s wives and Mormon plural marriage are obsessed with the most sensational questions:…Black in Mormonism: 1852 and The Beginnings of the Priesthood-Temple Ban in the Church (Part 3)
June 5, 2024And an elder named William Applebee was on assignment to visit Eastern Church branches, and he visited the Massachusetts branch,…Joseph Smith Polygamy: Latter-day Saint Polygamy Q&A
June 5, 2024And his prophecy in those last two verses are all connected to Elijah. Joseph was able to receive revelation to…Black in Mormonism: 1852 and The Beginnings of the Priesthood-Temple Ban in the Church (Part 2)
June 5, 2024What happens between 1844, when Joseph Smith dies, and 1852? If 1852 is the year that there begins to be…Joseph Smith Polygamy: Malachi’s Prophecy of the Priesthood
June 5, 2024And his prophecy in those last two verses are all connected to Elijah. Joseph was able to receive revelation to…Black in Mormonism: 1852 and The Beginnings of the Priesthood-Temple Ban in the Church (Part 1)
June 5, 2024Today we are going to probe what exists in the historical record to learn what happened between 1847 and 1852…