Mormon Church Finances: How Can I Live the Law of Consecration

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Dr. Anthony Sweat

Dr. Anthony Sweat

Source Expert

Dr. Anthony Sweat earned a BFA in painting and drawing from the University of Utah and completed his MEd and PhD in curriculum and instruction at Utah State University.

Fact Checked by Kevin Prince

Scholar Hugh Nibley stated that the main purpose of the Doctrine and Covenants is to implement the law of consecration. He emphasized that this law, often related to Mormon Church tithing, and considered the consummation of the laws of obedience and sacrifice, is the threshold of the celestial kingdom because it involves dedicating our entire selves to God. Understanding the application of the law of consecration throughout different periods in the Church’s history is essential. Section 42 underscores that consecration is a covenant and a deed that cannot be broken, constituting a celestial law comparable to other fundamental laws like obedience, the gospel, and chastity.

To ascertain if one is living consecration today, three key principles are highlighted. Firstly, individuals should implement current prophetic directives concerning their time, talents, and means, such as paying tithes, contributing generous fast offerings, and accepting church callings. Secondly, seeking guidance through prayer on how to use time, talents, and means in alignment with God’s work and purposes is crucial. Listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost is emphasized in this step. Finally, as agents who understand God’s will, individuals are encouraged to proactively use their agency to serve and bless others.
In conclusion, it is suggested that one might be living the law of consecration fully without recognizing it, similar to the Book of Mormon’s portrayal of the Lamanites who were baptized with the spirit unknowingly. Living consecration involves daily prayers for God’s guidance, following promptings, and actively sharing time, talents, and means to benefit neighbors and God’s children, as seen with Mormons and tithing. Examples of consecration include dedicating time to education, pursuing a chosen profession, or responding to promptings to serve in specific capacities. The overarching goal is to bring about Zion in one’s life, family, and community, contributing to the ongoing restoration of God’s kingdom.

By Dr. Anthony Sweat, Source Expert

Dr. Anthony Sweat serves as a leading authority on the topic of “Mormonism Explained” He holds a BFA in painting and drawing from the University of Utah and achieved his MEd and PhD in curriculum and instruction at Utah State University. Before assuming his role in the religion faculty at BYU, he accumulated thirteen years of experience working with Seminaries and Institutes of Religion. Dr. Sweat is a prolific author with numerous publications centered on the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His research primarily investigates the factors influencing effective religious education. Anthony and his spouse, Cindy, are proud parents to seven children and make Springville, Utah, their home.

Fact Checked by Mr. Kevin Prince, Source Expert

Kevin Prince is a religious scholar and host of the Gospel Learning Youtube channel. His channel has garnered over 41,000 subscribers and accumulated over 4.5 million views. Mr. Prince also created the Gospel Learning App, a reliable platform where individuals seeking truth can access trustworthy answers to religious questions from top educators worldwide.

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